She Needs You

To Love Her

Where my Ladies At?!? 🔥

Everyone of us live in this life differently but so much the same.

It’s all of our responsibility to be the community for women to rely on to further their journey; and vice versa when walking the depths ourselves.
We thrive in groups.
We were never meant to do this alone.

We have been set in this standard of working against each other, Women need to unlearn the behavior.

I believe the “narrative” has changed but I do not believe the inner work is being done enough to “literally” change that narrative.

We tend to walk around falling victim to her, you know her, she has it all, she’s more, she’s “real”, she’s doing things, going places, meeting new people, she’s better, more godly, more sexy. She’s Her. She’s not Special. You are you + You are not special either.

We are living this human experience together with God.

We have all been dealt different cards, we are playing to different hands and they are all different games.

How can we even begin to believe we could compare to any other human?
We have not lived their life, seen their scars or felt their cries.

We are faced with life changing events, traumas, or chronic pain that interferes with us enjoying our lives to the fullest.

We tend to see life through a distorted lens because of those pains. We perceive, project, and mirror what has hurt us.

We all deserve that moment to reset our minds, rejuvenate our spirit, and fully relax and heal our body.

That happens within.

This is an internal dialogue with self.
Listen up, pause and listen to your mind and your heart, begin to breathe, begin to feel what you may have been too distracted to feel before.

Find the beauty in yourself today, find the beauty in your face before the make up and the clothes, find the beauty of you naked.

When did we discredit the face of wisdom and experience.

We know the beauty is there, why are we resisting that emergence of beauty and wisdom and life lived and experience had.
Why are we fearing?
What are we trying to cover up?
We need to uncover our own beauty.
We need the tracks of nature to be seen for others to relate and feel too, to feel safe in a space of understanding not judgement.
These marks are a record of growth, change, evolution, places seen and movement had.
Why are we not trusting the beauty of ourselves.
You are alive right now.
If we continue to cover up our tracks, cover up the beauty within ourselves, how are we to know where we came from, who we are or who we were?

It’s our time to help ourselves, so we may help others.
It’s your time to spend time with yourself.
Meet her. Feel her. Hug her. Love her.
She needs it.

— Jesi B

