Somatic Healing

When times are good be grateful
When times are bad be graceful
When it is Dark be light
When it is Sticky be Smooth

Don’t work against life, work with it.
Battling the demons in our minds and our bodies is the hardest test of this beautiful life we are given.

When all we had to do from the beginning was flow with it.
To feel and to let go
Not to control and dwell.

We’re here to be better humans while helping other humans.

God wants us to Prosper, why do we doubt him?
Why must our ego continue to drag us through the mud to get to the other side?
Why must we confuse this ego in our minds as our own?
When have we ever wanted what the negative ego was telling us?

I have been finding myself in depression at least once a month for about two years now. Sometimes it last days to weeks, sometimes just a few minutes, nonetheless, they all feel the same; lonely, in pain, filled with self doubt, lack and confusion of purpose.
Not. in. Control.

As of late I have been learning how to pause and feel to learn. To feel to be able to get out of those dark places, and understand why I’m going there in the first place.

I found somatic healing.
I can can pause in that moment, and just ask myself, “How am I feeling right now, what am I experiencing?” And “Why?”

How am I feeling? I’m feeling insufficient.
How does feeling insufficient feel? Purposeless.
How does purposeless feel to me?
I feel I want to offer my love to others, but feel inadequate to do so.
How does that feel to me?

I keep going, revealing to myself the repressed feelings I’ve been avoiding feeling for years.
I’ve just been pushing them away.

The other day (literally two days ago)
I went through a session and after a few of the above referenced “I am feelings” at a split second I said, “I’m happy”, I laugh and say again, “I’m happy? Right now I’m happy? What’s happening?”
I am happy because I felt what I needed to and I let it go. I sensed where those feelings came from and I felt them to flow through them.
I am no longer listening to the negative ego and falling victim to self. I no longer wish to sit helpless in those feelings.
They are feelings, they are not me.
I’m happy because through the darkness, I found and knew my truth, my love, my intention, my truest self, I’m continually finding her and she’s coming out stronger than ever!

I am feeling and taking responsibility for those feelings.

Addressing “What I am Feeling” is the only way we can ask ourselves what is really bothering us.

Why is it that we reach to external sources to blame for how we feel or to change how we feel?
Why is it that when we feel emotionally we detach from it, or repress/compartmentalize it?

When all along all we had to do was;
Let Go

We are only responsible for how we perceive and how we feel.
If you’re perceiving your life from a negative lens, you will perceive all your interactions in your life are negatively against you.
You’ll notice it will begin to reflect in your hardships you’re faced with.

The only person who keeps themself from freedom, is Y O U S E L F .

It all begins with what we are choosing to avoid.

Many Blessings,

— Jesi B.




Beauty Lies Within